🀄️ How to Send Encrypted or Password Protected Emails In Gmail

🀄️ How to Send Encrypted or Password Protected Emails In Gmail
💠 Protecting your emails with a password will benefit you lot to guarantee your privacy from sender end to receiver end. And to implement this we have another mailing service available that will password protect your emails. So proceed with this method below.

🌀Steps To Password Protect Emails in Gmail:-

1⃣ First of all, you need to download and install an extension Mailvelope that will help you to password protect your Gmail emails.
Download Mailvelope For Google Chrome Or Mozilla Firefox.

2⃣ Now this extension will get added to your browser and you will see a notification regarding this. And a lock sign icon will get added to your chrome or Mozilla.

3⃣ Now open your email account where you want to protect your email. Now click on the lock icon at the top right corner of your browser. Click on add button there and then click on generate key there.

4⃣ Now you will see the screen like below and fill up the details of your account and also you can alter another option too according to your wish.

5⃣ Now at the receiver end, there will also need this extension to unlock your emails with the key you have set and by this, your emails will get secure.

✅ That’s it! you are done, Now you will no need to worry about your sensitive data as it gets encrypted with this method.

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